Brunnmatt-Ost Housing, Bern

The development of a former maintenance area in the Mattenhof district completes one of the last inner-city perimeter-block fragments in Berne. The busy traffic on Schwarztorstrasse means that the public space is loud, but it is also urban, lively and sunny. For this reason the new building deliberately faces the street, and this is why the apartment layouts are exceptional in that the complementary interlocking of the residential units allows everyone to share in the light and life of the street front as well as in the peace and the fresh air of the courtyard-side.

The courtyard facade is creased, as it were, in order to allow as many apartments as possible to participate in the courtyard space, whilst the frontage to the street is tautly spanned. The plastic structuring of the architectural volumes behaves reciprocally – even walls characterize the accentuated motion of the cubic volumes towards the courtyard, whilst the motionless street-front is structured by a hierarchy of pillars. These supports serve to truly stage the solid brick masonry with which the walls are built. The high-quality material reinforces a commitment to an urban district in transition and underscores the long-term perspective of the private property developer and their active engagement in the city with the project.

Project type: Competition, 2008, 1st prize
Execution: 2009 – 2013
Address: Schwarztorstrasse 102 – 110, 3007 Bern
Program: 95 apartments (2,5 – 5,5 rooms), café
Client: Emil Merz AG, Bern
Client consultant: Michael Frey, Architekt, Bern
Order type: General planning
Construction sum: CHF 46  Mio. (BKP 2)

Contributors competition: Irene Schibli, Claudia Mühlebach, Sandra Gautschi
Contributors realization: Pia Schwyter-Lanter (PL), Jonathan Bopp, Marco Rickenbacher, Patrick Schori, Jana Stratmann

Construction management: ANS Architekten und Planer SIA AG, Worb
Landscape architecture: Berchtold.Lenzin Landschaftsarchitekten, Zurich
Civil engineering: Ernst Basler + Partner AG, Zurich
Colour consulting: Archfarbe, Andrea Burkhard, Zurich
Images: Walter Mair

Awards: award - Auszeichnung Berner Baukultur Stiftung Atuprix 2015,
winner (best housing) - Arc Award 2014, Hase in Gold - Hochparterre «Die Besten» 2013

Alfred Hitchcock, «The Rear Window», 1954: die Stadt als Setzkasten
Foto: Walter Mair Foto: Walter Mair
Image: Walter Mair
Foto: Walter Mair Foto: Walter Mair
Image: Walter Mair
Foto: Walter Mair Foto: Walter Mair
Image: Walter Mair
Adolf Loos, Haus Scheu, Wien 1912-13
Eindruck von der Baustelle Eindruck von der Baustelle
Impression from the building site
Eindruck von der Baustelle Eindruck von der Baustelle
Impression from the building site
Erdgeschoss Erdgeschoss
Ground floor plan
1. –  2. Obergeschoss 1. –  2. Obergeschoss
1st and 2nd floor plan
3.-4. Obergeschoss 3.-4. Obergeschoss
3rd and 4th floor plan
Fügungsprinzip der Wohneinheiten Fügungsprinzip der Wohneinheiten
Matching principle of the residential units
Ausschnitt Grundriss Ausschnitt Grundriss
Floor plan focus
Foto: Walter Mair Foto: Walter Mair
Image: Walter Mair
Foto: Walter Mair Foto: Walter Mair
Image: Walter Mair
Südansicht Südansicht
South elevation
Foto: Walter Mair Foto: Walter Mair
Image: Walter Mair
Konzeptmodell, Backstein und Anhydrit Konzeptmodell, Backstein und Anhydrit
Concept model
Konzeptmodell, Backstein und Anhydrit Konzeptmodell, Backstein und Anhydrit
Concept model
Foto: Walter Mair Foto: Walter Mair
Image: Walter Mair
Ziegelei Röben, Bannberscheid: Versuchsreihen Ziegelei Röben, Bannberscheid: Versuchsreihen
Röben brickworks, Bannberscheid: test series